One more week until GGA!

This time it's been a while!

It's the very last week now, and we have some things that need fixing, besides tweaking and bug fixing. The last part of the first level is to be implemented, and it looks like we'll have a boss battle too!

Here are some nice screenshots from the game (klick on them for a larger image):

Last two weeks:
All the art is done and tileable, Ruben has done a very good job, we even had time to put in some nice effects like a fountain and rain! Our music composer Mikko Jokela was working with us last week, so now the music it done as well as all the sound effects.

I have been working on the win/loose screen and alex is doing particle effects for them. Our teaser and trailer is done too, here's the teaser (you should probably watch them on youtube for a larger view):

And here's the trailer:

Esteban has been busy with his speech for GGA and making a nice presentation for it. Our programmers have been working a lot too, so now you can play two levels and win/loose. We have an intro and a menu, and of course some really fun gameplay!

Simon and Esteban have almost completed the third part, and all the enemies are in the game.

Week 19

We now have an alfa version of our game!

This week we have worked a LOT. Long hours and hard work have, however, have given us an alfa! We now have two characters with working powers (including animations), enemies that attack them, gameover-screen, support for sound and gui and it all works with xbox controllers!
Esteban and I redid the schedule after getting feedback from our mentors and now we know what to do and when to do it.
It was our cleaning week this week at the office, so now it's all nice here and the dust bunnies have been chased away (for now).

This week:
With the handiwork of Simon and Esteban we have made the first part of the first level (1/3), and we are working on the second part (it should be done later today).
Jonatan have finished the main characters animations and remade the lancer and the ranger animations. Ruben gave them a new look, so it all looks much better now. The ranger shoots a big bullet, while the lancer runs chases the enemies and tries to attack them. Here are some ranger animations:

Ranger Attack
Ranger Reload
Ranger Run
Ranger Disoriented
Ranger Idle
Ranger Death

And some from the other main character:

TreePlayer Idle
TreePlayer Light Forward
TreePlayer Run
TreePlayer Wind Attack
TreePlayer Death
Ruben have done a lot of minor things this week, like water, a watchtower, the skies, the power-animations and the grass that is supposed to be in the very front of the camera, giving more depth to the level. Alexander have been cleaning animations, tiling pictures and made some particle effects. Here's the finished tree:

The teaser and trailer layout are now worked out, but we don't have the specifications so we can't start doing them just yet. Jonatan have made the first and last part in 3D.

I have been making posters, like these ones:

After tiling the background layers I have been game-testing and fixing minor things like speed, gravitation and controls. I am currently remaking the GUI (adding pictures of the characters and health-bars).

Our other programmer was away this week, so mikael have been fixing the powers, the camera, the ranger (so he can attack now), a game over screen and, of course, fixing bugs.

Week 18

This week we have an official first playable! Here'a a screenshot:

This is the version we displayed for our mentors.

Our programmers put in two players, some of the powers and some enemies. For next wednesday, we should have all the powers and combinations, and a win/lose condition.

This week:
Like mentioned, the programmers made our first playable. They all have their powers and some of them can be combined. Simon made spritesheets for animations and added them too.

Ruben and I cleaned and resized some images for our booth (for GGA). He continued working on the background for the city-part of the level, while I did concepts for powers and the teaser.

Alex and I tiled the painting that Ruben did so we can start building the level.

Jonatan animated one of the main characters, so he's almost done. Ruben remade two of our enemies, so their animations have to be remade.

Esteban is working on a picture that will be on the main menu and on our posters. He held two presentations this week, one where we showed our first playable for our mentor, Troels, and one where we discussed balancing and the powers of the characters with Gorm.

For now, the players will have two powers each that can be combined, and "hold down for a more powerful power" will have to wait, since the balance of the game is the most important thing right now.

Update on the other group:

Week 17

This week you get some nice pictures!
This is from our first office (Jonatan, Alex & Simon):

But we changed out little room with a smaller group, so now we have a room that we think was a conference room...

Top: Mikael, a happy programmer, Simon and Alex, the jacks-of-all-trades
Second from top: Esteban, lead designer who hates the camera and Jonatan, beeing "smexy" as he would say
Third from top: Ruben, our artist
and last, there's me, Nina, the producer!
We share our office with another group (who also shares two of our members). Their artist did an illustration of what our games would look like together:

This week:
The programmers changed direction, so Thommy is now working on our menu and Mikael is doing the powers that Thommy did before. Simon has been promoted to junior programmer and he managed to get our pictures into the game! We celebrated with a picture.

The particle effects program, milkshake, broke down this week, so Alex and I got Jonatan to teach us the animation program. Jonatan continued animating the book-menu and rigged the general. Alex animated three civilians (they are going to run around on the screen).

Esteban held a presentation for Troels and Gorm, one of the co-founders of Nordic Game. None of them had anything to comment on our design, which we take as a good sign!

Ruben finished drawing a well and a water tower and he is now working on a gate. He was unfortunately was sick the most part of this week. I did some polishing on the NG logo and did the paper-frame for the game. Esteban decided to redo the design on the menu,
Here's a mock-up made by Esteban: